Undergraduate Courses
The School of Journalism and Mass Comunications offers a wide range of corses, below you can find a description of each courses. To find the offical 菠菜网lol正规平台 schedules please vist: Class Schedules.
- ADV 91: Introduction to Advertising (3 units)
A comprehensive survey of the basic principles of advertising. Topics include strategic planning, integrated communications, audience targeting, creative strategy, advertising media, social responsibility, advertising ethics, understanding visual culture and semiotics, consumer behavior, race and gender, politics, globalization, the impact of technology on media channels, and current issues in advertising.
Prerequisite: None.
- ADV 93: Design Fundamentals for Advertising I (3 units)
Introduces students to the ideation and design process as it relates to advertising. Students learn design thinking, ideation techniques, print design, screen design, advertising formats and storytelling across media platforms.
Prerequisite: None.
- ADV 94: Design Fundamentals for Advertising II (3 units)
Introduction to digital video production and editing. Focus on learning how to tell a story by combining video and audio, story boarding, script writing, framing, creating a shot sequence, video editing and special effects using industry-standard software.
Prerequisites: ADV 093 and ADV 091
- ADV 95: Working with Type (3 units)
Theory and practice of typography as they apply to graphics, advertising and other areas of visual communication. Through a series of projects students develop a greater sensitivity to typographic details to create successful typographic messages.
Prerequisite: None.
- ADV 116: Spartan Daily Advertising Staff (3 units)
This class constitutes the paid advertising staff of the online and print editions of The Spartan Daily. Students work with clients and handle the newspaper’s advertising sales and production.
Prerequisite: ADV 91
- ADV 121: Strategic Communications (3 units)
Tools and frameworks for marketing management and strategic communications, including addressing communication issues such as budgets, coordinating agency functions, and delivering an effective marketing and communications plan.
- ADV 122: Business-to-Business Advertising (3 units)
Principles and practices of developing marketing communications programs and collateral materials for business-to-business products and services; translating technical information into persuasive communications; direct marketing, and other forms of sales support communications.
Prerequisite: ADV 91
- ADV 123: Introduction to Branded Content (3 units)
History, development, and current applications of traditional broadcast advertising, the Internet as an advertising medium, and the implications of emerging new media. Focus is on creative strategy and media strategy.
Prerequisite: ADV 91
- ADV 124: Copywriting (3 units)
Conceptual development. Advertising theory used in the development of writing, editing and evaluating advertising copy. Research methods and techniques. Ethical problems.
Prerequisites: ADV 91, ENGL 71 and MCOM 100W
- ADV 126: Media Planning and Buying (3 units)
Theory, evaluation and selection of advertising media for a variety of target audiences; demographics and psychographics. Students plan, buy, and measure the success of a real media plan.
Prerequisites: ADV 91 and BUS 130
- ADV 127: Practical Qualitative Research in Advertising (3 units)
Course will explore the kinds of questions to which qualitative research can provide answers, the roles & functions of researchers, the processes & tools used in developing, executing and presenting the results of a research project, the typical relationship between agency & client research departments. Students will explore how to respond to a research brief, develop & present a formal research proposal, execute a research project and present its findings, conclusions and proposed next steps.
Prerequisites: ADV 91 and ADV 121
- ADV 128: Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) (3 units)
Learn how advertising, public relations, promotions, and marketing all work together to achieve campaign objectives. Strategic planning, budgeting, research, tactics, evaluation, presentation skills, and team building.
Prerequisites: Three ADV courses and BUS 130
- ADV 129: Campaigns (3 units)
Capstone course in which students engage hands-on in the process and methods employed to develop a fully integrated advertising campaign based on the marketing objectives established by a real- world client.
Prerequisite: ADV 116 or MCOM 111
- ADV 130: Advertising Portfolio I (3 units)
Apply fundamentals of design thinking, teamwork, and various media methods to creating a body of advertising work in the form of a portfolio. Students work on a series of projects and award show briefs in creative teams.
Prerequisites: ADV 91, ADV 93, and ADV 94
- ADV 131: Advertising Portfolio II (3 units)
Students enhance portfolios developed in Advertising Portfolio 1 with more award show work and live client projects. Each brief requires development of technical skills across media platforms and production of professional work.
Prerequisites: ADV 91, ADV 93, ADV 94, and ADV 131
- ADV 132: UX/UI Design for Advertising (3 units)
Human centered design process as it pertains to user interaction (UI) and user experience (UX) design. Students conduct basic user research to create personas that guide the development of content strategy, information architecture, feature sets, wireframes and annotations as they pertain to (1) large scale web development and (2) integrated campaign assignments that cover a wide range of interactive platforms.
Prerequisites: ADV 91, ADV 93, and ADV 9
- JOUR 50: Navigating the News (3 units)
Introduction to different forms of news media we consume to become informed and engaged citizens, and how media shape our world. Development of skills to critically evaluate the credibility of news sources, distinguish between real and fake news, and examine contemporary news events and news media coverage in cultural, historical, environmental, and spatial contexts.
Prerequisite: None.
- JOUR 61: Writing for Print, Electronic and Online Media (3 units)
Introduction to writing for media—newspaper, magazines, electronic and the Internet—as well as producing content for multi-media distribution in a converged media environment. Emphasis on how different media require different writing styles and content.
Prerequisites including major restrictions: ENGL 1A and ENGL 1B
- JOUR 95: Beginning Digital News Photography (3 units)
Basic introduction to news photography and photojournalism field. Includes camera use – composition, aperture, shutter speed, and lens selection – and processing for print or electronic media using PhotoShop. Emphasis on technical aspects of digital news photography and storytelling with photographs.
Prerequisites: Writing Enrollment Category W-I or W-II or completion of ENGL 1AF with grade of CR.
- JOUR 130: Student Media Apprentice (3 units)
A deep dive into a pool of multimedia concepts, techniques and skills, while working as a student media apprentice reporter. Includes fundamentals of reporting, writing, shooting and editing, as well as storytelling in video, audio and text with photo.
Prerequisite: JOUR 61
- JOUR 132: Magazine Reporting, Print and Online (3 units)
Reporting and writing of feature stories for magazines, print and online. Develops expertise in reaching a targeted audience with words and images. While the prerequisite, JOUR 61, teaches breaking news writing, this course explores longer, deeper forms.
Prerequisite: JOUR 61
- JOUR 133: Editing and News Management (3 units)
Media Lab. Designed for the editor serving as wordsmith and coach, a hands-on approach to copy editing and headline writing for online and print media. Students work as editors for media lab publications.
Prerequisite: JOUR 61 or instructor consent.
- JOUR 134: In-depth Online Reporting (3 units)
Media Lab. Designed for experienced writers who want to report for online media. Includes feature and in-depth reporting as well as Web design for a team project.
Prerequisite: JOUR 61 or instructor consent.
- JOUR 136: Newspaper and Magazine Design (3 units)
Principles of newspaper and magazine design--news judgment, story and headline hierarchy, typography and meaningful visual storytelling through use of photos/art. Practice in creating newspaper pages and magazine layouts and cover designs.
Prerequisite: JOUR 061, JOUR 133 or instructor consent.
- JOUR 137: Reviewing the Arts (3 units)
Students explore the arts while learning to forge their opinions into reasoned critical journalistic reviews. Students will attend performances and exhibits, meet and interview artists and professional critics, read selected writings in criticism and aesthetics, and learn to support their insightful opinions with evidence.
Prerequisite: JOUR 61
- JOUR 138: Sports Journalism Investigation (3 units)
Course prepares sports journalists to develop their investigative and technical skills in audio, video, photography, and sports writing across traditional and new media platforms. Students work collaboratively across media to publish sports features weekly. Diversity/inclusion emphasized.
Co-Requisites: JOUR 61 or consent of instructor.
- JOUR 140A: Student Media Production: Update News (3 units)
Students report, write, shoot, edit, anchor and produce Update News. Course is run as a working newsroom where accuracy, quality and deadlines are paramount. The various student media work in a spirit of convergence and collaboration. May be repeated for up to 9 units of credit.
Prerequisite: JOUR 61
- JOUR 140B: Student Media Production: Spartan Daily (3 units)
A team of reporters, photographers and editors produce student media content in the Spartan Daily. Course is run as a working newsroom where accuracy, quality and deadlines are paramount. Various student media work in collaboration. This course may be repeated with instructor consent.
Prerequisite: JOUR 61
- JOUR 140C: Student Media Production: The Spear (3 units)
Students report, write, shoot, edit, anchor and produce the sports program and/or magazine, The Spear. Course is run as a working newsroom where accuracy, quality and deadlines are paramount. Student media work in collaboration. May be repeated for credit with instructor consent.
Prerequisite: JOUR 61
- JOUR 140D: Student Media Production: Magazine (3 units)
A team of reporters, photographers and editors produce a magazine in conjunction with supervising editors in JOUR 150. Course is run as a working magazine office where accuracy, quality and deadlines are paramount. Various student media work in collaboration. May be repeated with instructor consent for 1, 2, or 3 units.
Prerequisite: JOUR 61, JOUR 132
- JOUR 140AS: Student Media Production in Spanish (3 units)
Students report, write, shoot, edit, anchor and produce Update News in Spanish. Course is run as a working newsroom where accuracy, quality and deadlines are paramount. The various student media work in a spirit of convergence and collaboration. May be repeated for up to 9 units of credit.
Prerequisite: JOUR 61
- JOUR 142: Beginning Visual Journalism for Print/Electronic Media (3 units)
Media Lab. Introduction to basic principles and practices of photojournalism for online media, newspapers, magazines, and corporate publications using still photographs (black-and-white photography).
Prerequisites: PHOTO 40, JOUR 95 or instructor consent.
- JOUR 144: Picture Editing for Print/Electronic Media (3 units)
Presentation and picture editing for online media, newspapers, magazines, and other publications; visual tactics to bring readers to a page, picture selection, graphics, layout, design and ethical considerations using illustrative art and photography.
Prerequisite: Upper division standing.
- JOUR 150: News Media Management (3 units)
Capstone course in which students manage media, by overseeing the operation of publications, broadcasts and digital platforms. Students apply for management positions. Repeatable for credit.
Prerequisite: JOUR 61 and JOUR 140A, or 140B, or JOUR 140C, or JOUR 140D
- JOUR 153: Magazine Writing and Editing (3 units).
Overview of magazine field, focusing on reporting, writing, and editing. Students learn how an idea progresses from manuscript through art meeting to the printed or online page. Prepares students to produce San Jose State’s student magazine, Access, in JOUR 155.
Prerequisite: JOUR 132
- JOUR 155: Magazine Editing and Production (3 units)
Media Lab. Editing/producing print and online versions of the award winning Access magazine. Staff edits articles, art and photography submitted by media lab students and other 菠菜网lol正规平台 freelancers.
Prerequisites: JOUR 61 and JOUR 153
JOUR 160: Environmental Journalism (3 units)
Course will introduce students to environmental journalism and distinguish the roles and differences between journalism and communications, in which the student will learn to better understand the watchdog role of the journalist to report the facts within a larger social, political and economic context so that the public is presented with accurate, credible and timely information on science and its implications for sustainability.
Prerequisites: Completion of Core General Education and upper division standing are prerequisites to all 菠菜网lol正规平台 Studies courses. Completion of, or co-registration in, 100W is strongly recommended.
- JOUR 164: Electronic News Gathering for Television (3 units)
Media Lab. Principles and techniques of covering news for electronic media. Instruction in all aspects of television newsgathering, presentation and production, including writing, shooting, editing, producing and anchoring. Includes both field and studio work.
Prerequisite: JOUR 61 or instructor consent. Lecture two-hrs/activity two hrs.
- JOUR 176A: Documentary Unit I - Short Form Feature Production (3 units)
Explores the history and methods of producing a short-form non-fiction visual documentary. Students learn basic camera production techniques to execute their proposals. Students will be introduced to studio lighting, sound and post production skills. Diversity themes emphasized.
Prerequisite: Instructor consent.
- JOUR 176B: Documentary Unit II - Long Form/Series Production (3 units)
Focuses on the making of a long-form documentary production or a documentary feature series (consisting of 2 or more short segments). Students are introduced to field techniques and formats for extended documentary production. Diversity themes emphasized.
Prerequisite: Instructor Consent.
Mass Communications
- MCOM 63: New Media (3 units)
Hands on instruction in multimedia and emerging new media technologies. Print and web page design, blogging, podcasting, videocasting, RSS and creation of multimedia presentations by combining still photos, graphics, and video with music and/or audio.
Prerequisite: None.
- MCOM 70: Visual Communications (3 units)
Introduction to design for television, newspapers, advertising, public relations, magazines, film and video. Modules include designing and impact of visual imagery and how to apply sound ethical principles.
Prerequisite: None.
- MCOM 72: Mass Communications and Society (3 units)
Mass communication and its relationship to society. Basic theories in mass communication, contemporary issues, and milestones in our understanding of media effects. Not repeatable for credit if equivalent course has been taken elsewhere.
- MCOM 100W: Writing Workshop: Mass Communications (3 units)
Advanced writing across the media -- advertising, journalism and public relations. Writing and research for an increasingly convergent media with multiple media formats from the Web to print and broadcast, including writing to accompany audio and visual images. GE Area: Z.
Prerequisite: A3 or equivalent second semester composition course (with a grade of C or better); Completion of core GE, satisfaction of Writing Skills Test and upper division standing. Should be taken junior year; required of all advertising, journalism and public relations majors before they reach senior standing. The course will be waived for students receiving a waiver score on the Writing Skills Test.
Note: All 菠菜网lol正规平台 Studies courses require completion of the WST and upper division standing. Must be passed with C or better to satisfy the CSU Graduation Writing Assessment requirement (GWAR).
- MCOM 101: Media Laws and Ethics (3 units)
Principles and case studies of mass communications law and ethics. Constitutional guarantees, libel, privacy, contempt, privilege, free speech, FCC, FTC regulatory law, and copyright.
Prerequisite: Upper division standing.
- MCOM 102: Sound Culture: Self, Society & Sonic Equality in Mass Communications (3
This course is about the impact of sound culture on the individual and our sonic relationship to society. Students will be introduced to critical theories and forces that shape sound in our life, creating a sense of sound culture and identity in society, which are often (mis)interpreted within the larger field of mass communications. This course attempts to introduce students to the significance of sound culture in their everyday life and in the media on which they rely. How we hear and respond to sound is biological, environmental and social. Physical and political sonic constraints present challenges to equality and access within society.
Prerequisite: MCOM 100W
- MCOM 103: History of American Media (3 units)
Development of mass communications and the information society in the United States. Social, economic, and political factors which shaped modern journalism and the information society.
Prerequisite: Upper division standing.
- MCOM 104: Introduction to Mass Communications Research (3 units)
Introduction to social science research in mass communications; emphasis on public opinion research, including sampling, survey research design, measurement; also precision journalism, content analysis, and external data bases; may include class project.
Prerequisite: Upper division standing.
- MCOM 105: Lifestyles, Diversity and the Media (3 units)
Identifies and evaluates the impact of ethnicity/culture, alternative lifestyles, and gender issues on advertising, television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and public relations. Examines attitudes, trends, and perceptions that help shape mass communication messages.
Prerequisite: Upper division standing.
- MCOM 106: Global Mass Communication (3 units)
Societal factors behind gathering and disseminating information and entertainment content among mass communication systems of the world. Basic theoretical concepts about international communication and international relations. Impact on economy, politics, culture, and governmental communication policies.
Prerequisite: Upper division standing.
- MCOM 107: Audio Podcasting (3 units)
Explores philosophies, methods, and perceptions of sound aesthetics, archiving, and techniques that comprise audio podcasting (and related documentary production) to develop "aural" skills collaboratively across traditional and new media technologies as innovators of sound practice.
Prerequisite: Upper Division Standing
- MCOM 108: Virtual Worlds, Virtual Reality and Mass MediaI (3 units)
Explores how virtual reality is shaping our media experiences and expectations, from work, socialization and news reporting. Students learn to investigate, experiment, and interact with virtual and augmented technologies, structures and people within those media platforms.
- MCOM 111: Journalism Internship (3 units)
Fieldwork for advertising, journalism and public relations majors near end of junior or beginning of senior year, including intersession and summer session.
Prerequisites: At least nine units of major course work in the department, including specified foundation courses, and advisor approval. CR/NC grading.
- MCOM 118: Metaverse, Society and World-Building (3 units)
Examine the contemporary rise of immersive 3D Virtual Worlds and their impact on society and mass communications across the world. What are the challenges and benefits of communicating and interacting within a social media platform such as virtual worlds for work, education, entertainment and networking. We will explore virtual platforms across the world and examine the differences and similarities between countries. These virtual worlds include historical recreations of events, cultural events, art galleries and so much more, and provide the foundation for the Metaverse.
Prerequisite: MCOM 100W
- MCOM 139: Specialized Writing (3 units)
Writing for mass communication with focus on specific topic during the semester. Topics may include specialized writing in advertising, journalism, or public relations.
Prerequisites: JOUR 61, upper division standing or instructor consent.
Note: Offered on occasion.
- MCOM 163: Advanced New Media Technologies (3 units)
Hands on instruction in multimedia and emerging new media technologies. Print and web page design, blogging, podcasting, RSS and creation of interactive multimedia presentations by combining still photos, graphics, and video with music and/or other audio.
Prerequisites: MCOM 63 or Instructor Consent
- MCOM 170: Strategic Social Media and Digital Marketing (3 units)
Integration of content and social media within the broader digital marketing ecosystem to include paid social, paid search, search engine optimization, influencer marketing & brand storytelling.
Prerequisite: MCOM 100W
- MCOM 172: Introduction to Spanish Language Media and Journalism (3 units)
Mass media and its relationship to society in Spanish speaking societies, mainly in Latin America. Basic theories in mass communication in Latin America, contemporary issues, and milestones to understand the historical evolution and current state of Spanish speaking media and journalism.
- MCOM 175: Social Media and Web Analytics (3 units)
Fundamentals of social media and web analytics. How to transform data to actionable insights and develop campaign strategies. Data analytics tools, deriving insights from social metrics, and suggesting data informed decisions to intended audiences.
Prerequisite: ADV 91 or PR 99; upper division standing
- MCOM 180: Individual Studies (1-3 units)
Independent study projects and activities supervised by a Journalism and Mass Communications faculty member. Projects must be directly related to fields within the Journalism and Mass Communications School.
All undergraduate Advertising, Journalism, Public Relations and graduate Mass Communications students may enroll.
- MCOM 180ITL: JMC International Experience (1-3 units)
Through international study students will examine globalization models to gain a global perspective on geopolitical and economic issues, media and integrated strategic communications, explore the concepts of global citizenship and global corporate citizenship, and learn how to analyze cultural differences.
Prerequisite: 菠菜网lol正规平台 upper division undergraduate or graduate student, or by instructor's permission.
- MCOM 194: Sport, Communication and Society (3 units)
Explores the intersection of sport and society with implications of class, race, and gender-based social issues in youth, college, and professional sport structures. Course is grounded in sociological and communication research and requires critical thinking to investigate the links between many of the major issues facing sport organizations today.
Prerequisite(s): JOUR 61
- MCOM 199A: Ad and PR Agency I (3 units)
The first of a two-semester capstone course where seniors will work in teams in a School-sponsored Advertising and Public Relations Agency to plan and execute real-world integrated strategic campaigns as well as to prepare entries for national competitions. Enrollment by permission only.
Prerequisite: PR Majors: PR 099, PR 190 or PR 192; PR 191; ADV Majors: ADV 091.
- MCOM 199B: Ad and PR Agency II (3 units)
The second of a two-semester capstone course where seniors will work in teams in a School-sponsored Advertising and Public Relations Agency to plan and execute real-world integrated strategic campaigns as well as to prepare entries for national competitions. Enrollment by permission only.
Prerequisite: MCOM 199A.
Public Relations
- PR 99: Contemporary Public Relations (3 units)
Principles, evolution, and professional practice of modern public relations. Concepts of planning and executing effective communication strategies, including message design and distribution, for any organization.
- PR 190: Media Relations (3 units)
How to promote an organizations brand by developing relationships with traditional and digital news organizations and social media influencers to earn credible third-party content that is ultimately discovered, shared, and drives a desired action.
Prerequisite: JOUR 61
- PR191: Strategic Content Creation (3 units)
Basics of creating and implementing a strategic content marketing plan, introducing students to tools and techniques for delivering valuable, relevant, and measurably effective content on behalf of organizations, guiding students through production of various marketing communication assets.
Prerequisite: JOUR 61
- PR 192: Case Studies in Strategic Communications (3 units)
Case studies focusing on the problems and challenges faced by a variety of organizations. Practical application of creative problem solving, theory, and research about "real world" situations.
Prerequisite: PR 99
- PR 193: Special Event Management (3 units)
The planning and managing of events for the purpose of accomplishing organizational objectives. Emphasis on creative thinking, logistics and practical application of strategies and tactics. A major project is the execution of an actual event.
Prerequisite: PR 99 or instructor consent.
- PR 195: Strategic Sport Communication and Media (3 units)
Overview of the field of sports communication and media; specific topics include sport communication, print and electronic media, sports advertising, public relations, media relations, and employment opportunities. Students critically assess the communication efforts of a sports organization as well as construct their own communications in the field of sport.
Prerequisite: PR 99
- PR 197: Introduction to Corporate Internal Communications (3 units)
Internal and employee communications from strategy to tactical delivery. Best practices in building internal communication strategies that build organization business skills, as well as raise employee morale, productivity and collaboration. Topics include building internal communication strategy, planning, platform design, tools, and strategic messaging campaigns.
Prerequisite: PR 99
- PR 199: Campaign Planning and Management (3 units)
Creative problem solving in strategic planning and program management. Conceive, develop, and present an integrated communications plan to a "real-world" client.
Prerequisites: PR 99, PR 190 or PR 191, PR 192 and MCOM 111
Required Support Course for Public Relations Majors
- APSC 63: New Media (3 units)
Hands-on instruction in multimedia and emerging new media technologies. Print and web page design, blogging, podcasting, videocasting, RSS, and creation of multimedia presentations by combining still photos, graphics, and video with music and/or audio.